Class of 79

Class of 79
30 Year Reunion

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stoker is NOT Mediocre!

This pict can be deceiving because
it's a little busy and a tad faded. . .
however look closely. . .
Mike is not only standing by a
surfboard he's sporting a skate board in his hand! (What??)
I cautioned him with a reminder that
he was nearing the HALF CENTURY MARK!!
He just laughed! (show off!)
Just kidding about the show off. . . . .not!
Dang glad you wear that helmet . . . .
I told him I wanted a video!
PROOF that he can do that sort of
stuff and not break a hip!
You'd think I was jealous or something. . .

So . . . he sent me this. . . .
Now. . . . is this REALLY proof?
This could be some kid on the street.
Come on Mikee. . . . give me some
REAL proof!

And he sends me this. . . . . .
Stoker Slalom's the Street!

Smarty Pants!!!!

My daughter says I'm a dork. . .
I say:
Hey it's okay!!!
I was born in the 'sixties'. . .

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