Class of 79

Class of 79
30 Year Reunion

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fun! Fun! Fun!

I've been wanting a picture of Jonathan for months!
What? You say we don't have a classmate named
That's because we knew him by Lane.
Lane Wright!
and here's the rest of the story. . . . . . .
In early elementary, one of Jonathan's (Lane's) teachers
had 2 Jonathans that year so he took it upon himself
to call Jonathan Lane Wright by his middle name
"Lane". . . . and it stuck! At least with us at school.
But as soon as school was out and over, he
reclaimed his true identity!!!

Who'da known?
BTW: Lane, oops. . .I mean Jonathan is the City Attorney right here in Sunny St. George!

Laura Beacham gets a new grandbaby this week!
Congratulations Laura!!!

And finally. . . .another photo I've been waiting to pop up on FB!!!
Sabra Pearson Childers!
Doesn't she look great?

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