Class of 79

Class of 79
30 Year Reunion

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lisa Given Ames Update and Lunch!

Just a quick update on Lisa.
Right now. . this month, (may) she is doing great. As a matter of fact a few of us met for lunch at Pizza Factory and had a great time! However. . . in June it will be a different story.
Lisa will be have a bone-marrow transplant.
Her transplant is called an autologous stem cell transplant. That is where she is her own donor. Her bone marrow blood stem cells are taken from her, (harvested) filtered and frozen until needed, then given back to her (transplanted) after she has received high doses of chemotherapy and/or radiation to destroy the cancer cells. We will try to keep everyone informed, and of course we will all keep her in our prayers! We love you Lisa!
Be Strong!!!

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